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2019 Westarctica Art Expo


This year's Art Expo includes both written and visual mediums.  From among the entries, one was chosen by the Grand Duke as the Crown Selection and another was selected by the Royal Council as the Council Selection.  The citizens of Westarctica were invited to view the remaining entires and selected their favorite from among them as the Citizen's Choice.

Crown Selection

Westarctica (of Blue and White)
By Wyatt Hill


Westarctica, oh how I long to see your icy shores
The frozen landscape horizon as far as eyes can see
Pristine land that is untouched by man’s never-ending war
Remote cries of seal and skua your sacred symphony

Westarctica, someday you’ll be a beacon to the world
A land of hope for those who yearn to stand for something more
Your people moved upon the sight of blue and white unfurled
A vision of ideals and goals that are worth fighting for

Westarctica, the day comes soon I hope, when we can meet
Endeavoring together to explore life’s mysteries
To walk basked in the midnight sun and make this dream complete
Westarctica, you stir inside who I was born to be

Council Selection

Weddell Seal Pup.jpg

Weddell Seal Pup

By Christine Wood

Medium: Pencil and marker on paper

Citizen's Choice

The Smallest of Us.jpg

The Smallest of Us

By August Grappin

Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Other Entries


By August Grappin


Glistening crystalline, living land
Constant and varied, unyielding
Contain impurities, flaws
Hidden in the blankness
Sunlight’s reflection
Darkness obscured
Blinding pure

Extinguishing the Heroic Age
By Jon-Lawrence Langer


Small and sleek was the sealer the “Quest“
Destined to carry Shackleton’s remains
Sailing the Antarctic Seas is no jest
Cut from funding by the Canadians.

Broken he began to drink the champagne
In mornings until the weather abated
Did doomed Shackleton to “Deaden the Pain.“
Even when Macklin his captain berated.

A pain killer was not to be prescribed
As the paroxysm gripped the explorer
The doctor watched as the heart failed and died
Then had to announce to the crew’s horror.

Shackleton was not to England returned
But to cold South Georgia and there interned.

Sonnet to a People
Trevor Stratton


We were not given an easy route here,
Forced to create our own path to triumph.
We are not known to concede to falsehoods,
Empowered souls doing what we know works.
We believe that this world is ours to love,
Conserving what Mother Earth gave us all.
We have become something so powerful,
Banding together to fight the good fight.
We will preserve what we were all given,
This place we all call home needs our help now.
We will not stop until everyone cares,
The fight is not ours to lose but to win.
We are the people of Westarctica,
Oh, you land of the brave, peaceful, and free!

Westarctica (a tanka)

By Christine Wood


We stand on the edge

Glacial blue and bitter cold

Endless sea and sky

Untamed white whale chills the bone

Beauty springs to ignite the soul

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