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Four Levels of Support


The story and mission of Westarctica has inspired thousands of people around the world to take an increased interest in the ecology of Antarctica.  As a result, we receive many requests to join our organization.  There are several ways that anyone can support our cause and become involved with our efforts to preserve the environment in Western Antarctica.


If you wish to make a donation in any amount, however big or small, please visit:


If you would like to discuss leaving a legacy gift, or donating by mail, please contact our Donor Relations Coordinator:


Westarctica, Inc. is a 501c(3) tax exempt nonprofit public benefit corporation registered in the state of California.  Donations to Westarctica, Inc. are tax deductible.



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Peer of



Since 2001, Westarctica has had a proud tradition of recognizing our most generous patrons with titles of nobility.  Duke, Marquis, Count, Viscount, Baron, or Baronet, all the Peers of Westarctica are valued supporters of our mission to preserve the ecology of Western Antarctica.  We're not pretending these titles will get you into Buckingham Palace to have lunch with the King, but it gives you a talking point to help spread the word about Westarctica's goals and the critical condition of "your noble land" on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.



Diplomatic service

To better serve our global mission, Westarctica maintains diplomatic missions in countries around the world.  If you are interested in becoming an Honorary Consul of Westarctica and participating in diplomatic events in your local area, please consider applying for a position.  We have many openings and welcome volunteers from a diverse range of backgrounds.

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Devotion to duty

The Orders of Westarctica are a means for the Grand Duke to recognize and reward citizens and foreign dignitaries. They may not be purchased, but must be earned. The seven Orders each cover a specific action or achievement from diplomatic service to cultural achievements. Anyone may nominate a deserving individual for a knighthood. These are typically awarded once a year in November as part of Westarctica's anniversary celebrations.


True Westarcticans

Citizenship in Westarctica is the most basic and "duty free" way of supporting our cause.  There is no required financial obligation, but we will include all citizens in our quarterly newsletter and our mailing list.  Our roster of citizens is also where we look when we need volunteers for our upcoming projects.  In the past, many supporters who started out as citizens were able to rise up the ranks and become influential officers of our government through active volunteering.

​©2014 - 2025 Westarctica Incorporated

A 501c(3) tax-exempt charitable corporation

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Westarctica holds non-consultative status with the

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs - NGO Branch

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